Return to the original version and all messages Week 8 day 1 Friday, April 28, 2023
This topic is mandatory in the face of the attacks that the educational system is suffering, attacks with the family, attacks against children. Total depravity, the Bible presents the depraved, not only as a sinful being who constantly rebels against God's law, but also as someone who cannot and does not want to change the condition in which he finds himself. Perverted, is a person who disturbs with bad behavior, corrupts the order or state of things, full of sin inclined to evil. What is happening in our countries is that some presidents are depraved and perverted, in the same way some senators and dignitaries, the LGBTi organization and many mentally disturbed, all of these are using a strategy to pervert the family and pervert the children. We have seen, we have heard, God has told us about the sins and the sins that were mentioned with sex are: Adultery, fornication, lasciviousness, lust, homosexuality, lesbianism, sex with animals. And others that have to do in some way with sex are also Orgy and Enchantment.
We are living surrounded and attacked by the demons of Sodom and Gomorrah,
and that is why we read in the dictionary other types of people who contribute
excrement to Depravity and Perversion: Prostitute - a person who engages in sexual intercourse or other sex
acts for money; sex worker. A person who willingly uses their talent or ability
in a base and unworthy way, usually for money.
- Sins of immorality and death are expressed in Leviticus 18:6-24, which includes sex with a close relative such as father, mother, stepmother, sister, stepsister, daughter, granddaughter, aunt, uncle, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, a mother with her daughter , with a married woman, homosexual acts, having these sexual acts is corruption, perversion, contamination and evil. The apostle Paul, guiding and teaching homosexuality and lesbianism about sin, to the Christian church that was in Rome, in its worst period of moral corruption, says in Romans chapter 1, from verse 24 to 32,
Those who are already on their way to hell and to the lake that burns fire with sulfur, thus says the Lord here and now, Revelation 22:13 to 15
Some biblical versions translate the word dog by another synonym, but the message is extremely clear, all these sins that we have mentioned, the people who practice or approve of them, for the Lord are dogs worthy of death and eternal damnation. Are you participating or supporting LBGTi teachings, to show sexual details to children and in schools? That is being perverted and depraved. So says the Lord in Matthew 18:6
What hope do you have of salvation and avoid your damnation? If you are in any of these conditions, so says the Lord in Isaiah 1:18 to 20
Meditate on this. Someone will ask, how is it possible that Jesus loves these people? The answer is here, John 3:16 to 17
Wait for the next message.. FLEE FOR YOUR LIFE. SEE: Jesús a los homosexuales (LGBTi)
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