Testimonies of Muslims with Jesus


  Here you will see what Jesus is doing. During this time of retreat with Jesus in my office, days without leaving, because of the call to this mission, I have been able to see that it was Jesus who assigned me this task.

Today, August 30, 2024, was when I began to see a number of testimonies of how Jesus has appeared to many Muslims. This confirms to me that this mission is important.


DREAMS AND VISIONS: Muslims Miraculously Coming to Jesus in Dreams



Islamic terrorist leader converts to Christianity after seeing a vision of Jesus Christ



ENTIRE Muslim family has a DREAM of JESUS at the exact SAME time!


How did Nala become a Christian in Somalia?


Muslim Sees Jesus In His Dream | Jahir Israel's Testimony // OneWayGospel


Ex Muslim girl was saved by Jesus, when her own father wanted to kill her.





Muslim converts to Christ because he was forced to read the Bible to find errors and confirm the Koran.

This is a confirmation that Jesus assigned me everything that is in these pages.




I invite you to see the Bible on the Internet


  Profecías POR fecha y su cumplimiento


 quién es Jesús





Posted 3 Jul 2023

Bo Ra Choi, a pastor from South Korea has been seeing visions of hell for several years. She saw Muhammad who was the founder of Islam. He was suffering in hell and she tells us what he said.



Muhammad was born into a poor family of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in 570 AD and died on June 8, 632. He grew up as a poor and orphaned child. He was nervous, melancholic, depressed, and prone to epilepsy, like his mother. Because of his epileptic predisposition, he had a seizure at the age of four and another at the age of six, and subsequent relapses. His father died before he was born, and his mother, Amina, died when he was six.

He lived with relatives and had to work very hard from his childhood in jobs such as shepherd, camel herder, and errand boy. His relatives passed him from one to another. A poor aunt with a large number of children beat him because she had to support him. Hardship made him cry in corners and he hated women and society.

From childhood he dreamed of achieving money and power. Illiterate, unemployed and penniless, at the age of 20 he formed a gang of robbers and murderers among the outcasts. At the age of 25 he got a job as a servant for Khadijah, a 40-year-old widow, one of the richest women in Mecca, whom he married shortly after. His wife's fortune allowed him to extend his bands of robbers, murderers and rapists to various cities in the Arab world.

He increased his fortune with the blood of the dead. The resentment towards the Jews was deeper if they were rich and intellectual. He claimed that Jesus Christ was not the Son of God, nor did he die for our sins, nor was he crucified, nor was he resurrected.

Before Mohammed was born, the Arab tribes of present-day Saudi Arabia worshipped multiple gods: the sun, the moon, the main stars... They also believed (especially the Bedouins) in spirits they called djinns, little genies who granted wishes. These demons were invoked by the continuous recitation of certain phrases or words. The djinns were capable of producing madness and epilepsy. The Kaaba housed a black stone of meteoric origin and more than 360 idols, worshipped by the Arab tribes.

When Muhammad strengthened his armies, he removed all the idols from the Kaaba and forced them to worship only Allah, the main god venerated in his family. Allah was the Moon god. Islam does not derive from the Bible, because Allah is a pagan god idolized in Arabia since before Muhammad was born and founded Islam.

In the Middle East, from Turkey to the Nile, the religion of the male Moon god predominated. Over time, the Moon god's influence waned in other cultures, but in the Arabian Peninsula he continued as the greatest of the gods. Of the 360 ​​gods worshipped at the Kaaba, the Moon god remained the chief one before Muhammad was born. In Arabia, the Moon god's name was Sin, but he was called Al-ilá, meaning "the god," "the deity" (i.e., the chief god), and was abbreviated as Allah.

When Muhammad was born, the Arabs added the word "Allah" to the names of their children. Muhammad's father was called Abd-alá and his uncle Obeid-alá.

Adult men in Mecca would often retreat to the surrounding desert, hills, and grottoes to fast, meditate, and worship their gods. In 610, Muhammad stocked up on food and spent days in a cave on Mount Hira near Mecca. For several nights, alone in the cave, he meditated, worshipped and recited repetitive prayers, a way of attracting demons.

One night a demon woke him up, shook him and said, “You are the apostle of Allah.” Panicked, he fled the cave, climbed down the mountain, crawled home and said to his wife, “Cover me! Cover me! I fear for my life!” Khadijah wrapped him in a blanket. He told her that an evil djinn had appeared to him.

For days, Muhammad continued to find no peace. He raved, had visions, heard noises and whispers, believed that evil spirits were speaking to him, but he saw no one. He wondered: “Is it not the devil who calls me?” He felt possessed by demons or that he had gone mad, several times he thought of committing suicide and once he wanted to throw himself off a cliff. His cousin Ali and Khadijah assured him that it had not been a demon but an angel.

One day Khadijah told him that when the hallucination returned he should tell her, to check if it was a demon or the angel Gabriel. The next time Muhammad told him that the entity had just come. Khadijah told Muhammad to sit on her left; she asked him if he could see it and he said yes. Khadijah told him to sit on her right thigh; she asked him if he could see it and he said yes. Khadijah told him to sit on her stomach. She stripped, took off her veil, ordered him to penetrate her and asked him again if he could see it. This time Muhammad said no.

Then she assured him that she had seen the angel Gabriel, because a demon would have stayed to enjoy watching the copulation. Muhammad no longer had any doubts and became Allah's spokesperson. Khadijah was his first believer, the first Muslim and "the mother of Islam."