Los cielos cuentan la gloria de Dios y el firmamento las obras de sus manos. Salmo 19:1

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Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.  He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned
Mark 16:15-16




We request help for this project. We only have a single chapter of the Bible, John 1: 1

We need a minimum of 39 volunteers, just having the decision to help and knowing how to use the Internet is enough.

Solicitamos ayuda para este proyecto.  Solo tenemos un solo capítulo de la Biblia, Juan 1

Necesitamos mínimo 39 voluntarios, con solo tener la decisión de ayudar y saber usar el Internet, es suficiente.

Evidence that the Bible is telling the truth Historical, scientific and spiritual evidence that clearly indicates that the Bible is right. That shows the true God, that shows that the kingdom of heaven is between us and its king is called Jesus Christ. That the Father and the Son are one, and this is a mystery of God.
Millions of years ago Genesis chapter one narrates the creation of the world, the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon; all nature.

Possibly more than 6,000 years

Genesis chapter 2. The creation of the Garden of Eden, the creation of Adam, and then God took a rib from Adam, and made the woman, Eve.

Genesis chapters 3 to 9. The story of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden for disobedience. The multiplication of the wickedness of the sons of Cain. God chooses Noah, a righteous man fearing God to build an ark (a great ship). Noah, his family and a couple of all animals, enter the ark and God destroys all living things with a great flood.

The ark sits on Mount Ararat in Turkey, and scientists and archaeologists discovered the ark. This is evidence that the Bible tells the truth.

Genesis 10 and 11. The descendants of the three sons of Noah are multiplied and wickedness is multiplied again. They begin to build a tower to reach heaven and God said:

"Now, then, let us go down, and there confuse his language, so that no one understands the speech of his companion."

In God's secret, when we say “let us go down”, it means that we are dealing with the Father and Jesus Christ.

Year 1921 before Christ, approximately God calls Abraham
Year 1911 before Christ, approximately Ishmael, Abraham's son and Sarah's slave, is born and God prophesies that he will be violent (Genesis 16:11)


Year 1892 before Christ, approximately Isaac is born, son of Abraham and Sarah, son of promise (Genesis 17:19). When Isaac was born, Ismael was 19 years old. Although Isaac is the son of promise, God promises to raise up a great nation from Ishmael (Genesis 21:18)


Year 1898 Before Christ, approximately God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah for so much wickedness and homosexuality (Genesis 19)

Isaac begets Jacob from his wife Rebekah, and Jacob begets 12 children who will be God's people, Israel. He also begets a daughter.

For the sins of the sons of Jacob (Israel) God uses Joseph to rule Egypt and receive Jacob and all his brothers. They have 30 years of peace
Exodus. Around the year 1491 BC, approximately After being slaves in Egypt for 400 years, God uses Moses to free God's people. God commands Moses to build a tabernacle, which will be the place of God's presence. All the details of the tabernacle and the ceremonies are prophecies of Jesus Christ and the way to conduct oneself in a holy life before God.

The books Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, God establishes moral laws, laws of conduct, sanitary laws, list of sins and call to holiness.
Around the year 1451 BC, approximately Joshua is that God chooses to conquer and divide the promised land. But the conquest was hindered several times by unrepentant sin.

Judges book. It lasted approximately 100 years after Joshua.

Various judges or military leaders liberate the nation of Israel. Among those who stand out Gideon, in which God himself gave strategy and victory in a war against oppressive enemies. Another who stands out is Samson, who had physical strength by the Spirit of God, but died for his sin, but first asked God for forgiveness.
Book of Ruth Story about the love and care of God. Faithful Moabite enters the genealogy of Jesus
Books 1 and 2 Samuel  

Saul, the first king of Israel, David the second king of Israel. Saul stands out for his pride and disobedience to God.

David's reign, his successes, his sin, consequences, restoration and decline. David stands out for having a heart after God's own heart.

The prophet Samuel stands out for his total surrender to the Lord and that all his prophecies were fulfilled.

Historical books 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles It narrates the success and decline of Solomon, then the list of kings in all Israel, where some did wrong before God, others few did right before God, a few did wrong and repented. In all this history it is a reflection of what has happened in the whole world in the last 1900 years.

For this reason it was that they were taken captive by the Assyrians and later by Babylon.

The prophets

Prophet Isaiah He pointed sin to kings, prophesied punishment from God, prophesied divine protection and restoration of the people, prophesied Jesus Christ (Isaiah 7:14).

He prophesied the ministry of Jesus in Galilee: Isaiah 9: 1 and it was fulfilled in Matthew 4: 13-16

He prophesied the birth of Jesus (Isaiah 9: 6-7).

He prophesied the suffering, sacrifice, and purpose of Jesus Christ, and that it was rejected by his own people (Isaiah 53).

He prophesied to John the Baptist who prepared the way, the announcement of Jesus (Isaiah 40: 3-5) and it was fulfilled in Luke 3: 3-6.

He prophesied that Jesus was spat upon and beaten, Isaiah 50: 6 and it was fulfilled in Matthew 26:67.
Prophet Micah He prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5: 2)
Prophet Daniel He prophesied the exact time of Jesus' birth (Daniel 9:25)


Prophet Hosea He prophesied that Jesus fled to Egypt (Hosea 11: 1) and it was fulfilled in Matthew 2: 14-15.


Prophet Zacharias He prophesied the triumphal entry of Jesus, Zechariah 9: 9 and it was fulfilled in Mark 11: 7, 9, 11.

He prophesied that he was sold for 30 pieces of silver, Zechariah 11:12 and it was fulfilled in Matthew 26:15

He prophesied that his side was pierced: Zechariah 12:10 and it was fulfilled in John 19:34.
Prophet Jeremiah The prophet who suffered much for the sin of the people, prophesied his punishment which was fulfilled.


There were 400 years of prophetic silence until Jesus was born.

New Testament The new testament begins with 4 books that are called gospels. The word gospel means good news. In this case gospel is interpreted as good news of salvation in Jesus. The term evangelical means a believing and faithful person who carries the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.

These four books (gospels) are: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The well-summarized message of these four books is:

Jesus Christ is God with the Father, who created all things.

The Father loved the world to the point of giving his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, so that everyone who believes in Him may be saved.

Everyone who has received Jesus Christ and follows him is given the power to be called children of God.

The kingdom of heaven is between us and Jesus Christ is king.

The Holy Spirit of God is the one who guides and teaches us.

The peace that Jesus gives is not given by the world.

Jesus has given the believer authority to heal the sick, cast out demons, speak directly to the Father.

By accepting Jesus, by repentance, and by God's will, the believer is born again and his sins are blotted out.

Jesus commended every believer to go all over the world to proclaim this gospel, and without forcing anyone, whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, otherwise he is condemned. But that condemnation is executed by dying in eternal torment.

Jesus promised soul salvation, heavenly mansions.

Jesus promised that he will return again.

Jesus taught love even to enemies, he taught to forgive.

Jesus has promised protection and spiritual victory to those who believe in Him,

The death of Jesus was necessary for the salvation of all those who believe in Him and will believe from sin.

When Jesus was resurrected, a group of Jewish priests paid soldiers to lie and say that the disciples stole Jesus' body. But this lie was recorded in Matthew 28: 11-15.

After the resurrection, Jesus was with the disciples for 40 days and more than 500 people saw him resurrected.

Jesus ascended to heaven in front of many witnesses, Acts 1: 6-11

Of the apostles and those who announced and taught the gospel of Jesus, a man stands out who persecuted, imprisoned and killed Christians, that man was called Saul of Tarsus. Jesus appeared to Saul on the road and said:

Why are you chasing me?

This means that whoever persecutes a believer in Jesus is persecuting the true God. Then Jesus transformed Saul and named him Paul. And this Paul was an apostle, the greatest winner of souls, the one who raised the most churches and congregations and raised the most pastors and disciples.

And so the entire New Testament is preached and taught the gospel of Jesus Christ and ends with the last book called Revelation or Revelations. It is the next thing that will happen in this last time.
The Psalms Book It is full of praises, poems, prophetic revelations, all that fill the soul and give love, hope and faith.


The first 100 years after Jesus Christ After the first 100 years of the birth of Jesus Christ, in all these 1900 years false prophets, false doctrines have arisen. None of them have the background and historical evidence of that list of characters. Some beliefs include positive and beautiful thoughts, good teachings, but God is not there, there is no salvation of the soul.

When dying there are only two ways, eternal salvation or eternal damnation, only in Jesus there is salvation.